
 "Add To Cart" To link not going to Walmart.

This means, you did not follow the instruction properly  but its very easy to fix.Head over to...

 Application Denied

You probably got denied because- You don't have an actual website or its just index page with...


Walmart will start you off with 4% commision, then after 5 sales,  they will bump you to 8%...

 Description Shows HTML code

Don't panic-  It's fixable in 5 minutes.Why this occured? >This is a rare error that occurs...

 Invalid Publisher Code, Offer, or Publisher - Advertiser Partnership Status

Invalid Publisher Code, Offer, or Publisher - Advertiser Partnership StatusThis means you copied...

 No products were found matching your selection [ERROR]

If you received this error.No products were found matching your selectionIt means that you did...

 Q- Can i add Walmart Inventory On top of Amazon Inventory?

Yes!  You can!  You can add it on top of Amazon, AliExpress anything!Here is a short video with...

 The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.

Don't Panic.   You did not install the plugin properly. You tried to install the entire package!...

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